Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Girl on a lose weight!!!

Hola everybody!
So yesterday I posted on Twitter and FB that I lost 7 lbs since I started working out the last week of June! It has NOT been easy but this plan does work! The first days it felt like a train had ran me over.... now i look forward to burning all those calories and sculpting my body!!

I've noticed major improvements not only in appearance but self confidence, and healthwise, I couldn't sleep that well before and since working out at night (usually 10pm) I sleep like a baby and don't have half as many body aches as before! It is now easier to wake up in the morning and that wasn't the case before. I also have so much more energy!!

I would love to put what I've done in a nutshell but its kinda hard so here it is for those who asked...

1. Jillian Michaels 30 day shred ( a simple workout plan 20 min a day that focuses on cardio and strength training, its free on YouTUbe and OnDemand, all you need is a mat or a towel and 2 lbs weights, heavier ones if you like or improvise with something that weighs about the same, I started off with water bottles and jumped to 5lbs.) The moves are very easy but this video will definitely kick your ass...

Its 3 levels do each level for 10 days and you're set. I've been doing it for a month 5-7x a week, Still haven't done level 3, I just don't think of this as something Ima do for a month and I'm done, it truly is a lifestyle change and working out is now part of my life wheareas it wasn't before. If I can do extra like take a jog or dance I'll do it.

2. No Diet: if it works for you to cut things out that you like go for it you'll be more succesful than myself, but I just can't. I still had a couple fries here and there never a full order, chocolate, cookies, mayo, whatever it may be just didn't do it more than once a day! It does help that I don't like soda, I had been drinking it a lot cuz I hated water and always share a drink with the bf, but now I've replaced most of my drinks in the day with water or drinks that are 50 cals or less, my mom has these great Fiber One powder packets that you pour into your water bottle, it tastes like Kool Aid. If there isn't an alternative I eat first and then take like 4-5 sips to wash it down so i'm not drinking all my calories!

3.Motivation: its hard to find, so do it for yourself. I started watching ppl on YouTUbe that really inspired me to lose weight, once you see what some ppl accomplish all on their own it makes you be greatful, some people out there are way bigger than you if they can do it SO CAN YOU. Everyone will be casting doubt on you especially if you've tried and tried before like me, but you know what, i told myself "this is it i'm not giving up" if u fall off the wagon for a day, two, three, pick yourself back up don't let it snowball into the bad side of the spectrum.

Chubby/Fat Gettin There YAY Goal/Fit!

This is how I picture it. If it makes any sense.

4. Calories: There is just no way in hell you can eat all you want work out and lose weight. You do have to make sure you sacrifice some things. I started eating breakfast which I nEVER did before in my life... this is what a typical day is for me

1 cup of Fruity Pebbles (or any other fave cereal)
1/2 cup Silk Soy Milk

total cals less than 200

Whole wheat bread sandwich ( i love veggies so i load it and its important to cut out processed food so i try this with whole wheat products including bagels)

chips (i jus gotta have em I just wont eat the whole bag even if its a little bag I'm commited to only eating half)

about 500-600cals


I usually allow myself anything since I've sacrificed a lot durin the day...

I like the caesar pollo bowl from pollo loco its less than 600 cals
or i'll do a sub from subway even if its like 1000 cals I'm only at like 17-1800 at the end of the day

Usually I snack on a string cheese, piece of fruit, cookie, or FiberOne bars or FiberOne 50 cal yogurt its really good!!!

(i still have pizza sometimes, i don't eat burgers (i have an issue with beef on occasion lol) I'll still eat tacos or enchiladas, the point is that instead of doing that everyday I do it in moderation, don't cut out the things you enjoy especially for us Latinos I blogged about it before, eating is an experience, whether at your tias or your home, it usually = fun and enjoyment, everything in moderation!!)

I leave my workout til late at night, after I've eaten all my junk I burn off a bunch of calories and am drenched in sweat YES GROSS BUT IT FEELS AMAZING TO KNOW YOUR WORKOUT IS WORKING!

5. Don't Obsess over weighing yourself: if you don't like what you see on the scale you might give up, instead take a pic of yourself from all your unflattering angles, take measurements, and chart your progress every couple weeks, I weigh myself everytime I do laundry which is every week and a half... I didn't take measurements when I started which I should have but I did take pics and can see a difference!! You will definitely get positive feedback as people see you shrink, my back rolls are smoothing out nicely my waist is getting smaller, my endurance and resistance is amazing. I don't get sore so badly anymore. It's great!

I started on this journey for a healthier me after finding out about a health condition I have involving hormonal imbalances and whatnot, it really scared me that being overweight can make it worse (infertility and diabetes sometimes) so I had that motivating me cuz I want to live to see 100! lol. Not only that, I can't believe how some people don't excercise their muscles I mean they hold your weight and body up and if you don't keep them strong or work them out how can your body support itself on water and fat!? No wonder I was always aching.

The overall health benefits are so great its difficult the first 2 weeks but after that you don't WANT to skip your workout, you dont WANT to eat that whole bag of candy or chips, you won't want to eat so much garbage I promise, the lifestyle change is gradual, im not saying I'm perfect... I'm just a girl on a mission and hope to inspire someone else to make changes for a healthier YOU!!

I think that's it for now if I left anything out I will come back and add it. If you have any questions ask them here on FB or Twitter thx!

= D

1 comment:

  1. Hey girl...I think ima try some of ur eating habbits..they sound good...and I'm really trying to drink more water...I have to loose weight girl...oh by the way..the comments that say daniel is really me josie..just that danny was using my phone and I guess his stuff saved on to mine...
