Thursday, August 6, 2009

On Ambition...

Sometimes I stop and think to myself that maybe I got all my priorities mixed up. Is it wrong to want it all? I want to learn as much as I can, know as much, teach, do, see, experience. This is the only way I see fit to live my life. For example, I want to learn more American Sign Language (its like its not enough that I know it well enough to have a conversation), I like web design and want to learn more HTML and CSS and other stuff like that (althought I know a good deal already), I want to meet interesting people, I want to own different types of businesses, I see myself as a pastry chef, I'd love to make cakes, to make my own handbags, be a makeup artist, have my own website! AND on top of all of that I'm fixing my mind on becoming a high school teacher...

I know I'm young and have the world at my fingertips but how much is too much? Is it wrong that my priority in life is success and wealth and personal gain over more traditional aspirations like marriage and children?

I wasn't one of those girls who ever dreamt of their wedding growing up as most girls put it, in fact only last year did I actually start thinking about it. I realized I really don't care about that... I'd rather be the best person I can be... my definition of it is accomplishing all I want and having goals throughout life... I don't want to settle for less. And it's not that I'm greedy, but I see myself being able to help and contribute to society better by being a more educated wealthy well-rounded individual.

So I always set small goals for myself and end up accomplishing them, next up is to start substitute teaching, if I like it go to grad school for credentials. Then I hope to be done with make-up artist courses by next year so I could do that freelance, I haven't thought much further ahead than having my website up and running by late next year... ugh. I'm having an early 20s just graduated college-need to find my niche-type crisis....

It's like I don't wanna miss out on anything so I seek out opportunities to volunteer or network or try something new b/c you never know what opportunity lies around the corner... we'll see what happens.

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